Excelsior Education's demo product for CFA Exam

Dette emne indeholder 0 svar, har 1 stemme og blev senest opdateret af  larrystanley 7 år, 8 måneder siden.
Oprettet af

Hi everyone,

I am the founder of Excelsior Education and we are launching innovative mobile phone-based tools for delivering educational content. Since I också Associated with DaulatGuru, I would like to take this opportunity two invite all DG’ites two experiment with our demo product for the CFA L1 Exam. The application can then be installed from the downloaded file. The product works on most mobile phones att support Java.

I would love to hear from your angående your experience and også suggestions for improvements. Please use this thread for alanyl relevant discussions …

Thanks DG for the opportunity and all the best to everyone for the upcoming CFA Exam.



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