Help On leaning down and building muscle?

Dette emne indeholder 0 svar, har 1 stemme og blev senest opdateret af  JoeClark 7 år, 7 måneder siden.
Oprettet af

Hello, I am a 16 year old. I weigh 180ish pounds and 5’9, I’m really trying to lean down, get abs and build a decent amount of muscle on my arms etc. I have no clue where to start, I eat less and workout but it seems as the results don’t come and therefore I loose motivation. I’m not the richest person but I can afford supplements etc if needed.
My friend is also 16 and jacked, he says he just takes Testosterone booster, but im nervous to take it as I don’t want to harm my body. If someone could please give me some tips, advice, tricks, and also supplements to use I’d very much appreicate it!

Thank you!


I didn’t find the right solution from the Internet.


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