Lightroom Raw Files

Dette emne indeholder 0 svar, har 1 stemme og blev senest opdateret af  johnnyhenderson 7 år, 8 måneder siden.
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Hello everyone.

I am new here but have seen that there are many power users who might be able to help a beginner.
I have a Canon 1DX MII and have so bought LR V.6 but I can NOT open RAW files? On the web I have so read me forward to LR does not support my camera as it may be too new so I have to wait for an update? can it really be true.
On the web I read so while I until then could use Adobe DNG Converter, but it can not find raw files which I put in a folder in c drive, it writes just that it could not find anything similar to my search criteria. Hope there is someone who can help me on. : Cry: : Cry:



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